It looks like the tide may be turning. Let's all continue to hope and pray so.
Convoy brings relief supplies to New OrleansHelp seems to be arriving.A convoy of military vehicles plowed through the flooded treets of New Orleans on Friday bringing food, water and medicine to the thousands of people trapped at a downtown convention center. The relief effort came as President Bush toured the Gulf Coast to survey damage from Hurricane Katrina and shortly after the mayor of New Orleans said the city was "holding on by a thread."
The commanding general in charge of the relief effort in New Orleans was directing the operation from a street corner. He told the troops, part of a deployment of 1,000 members of the National Guard, to make sure they kept their guns down.
"A few moments ago, he stopped a truck full of National Guard Troops ... and said, 'Point your weapons down, this is not Iraq,'" said CNN's Barbara Starr who is traveling with the three-star general.
"He is very determined to keep this looking like a humanitarian relief operation," Starr said.
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