Thursday, May 12, 2005

Now this I like...

From Daily Kos:

Story on the billboards from the Argus Leader -
Democrats are tired of letting Republicans own the faith and values message, so they are taking their case to the streets.
A billboard campaign was launched Monday by the Minneheha County's Grassroots Democrats, letting people know what their party stands for, says chairwoman Lisa Engels.
Green, black and white signs at Seventh Street and Minnesota Avenue and at Russell Street and Westport Avenue say: "Jesus cares for the poor, so do we. Democrats make America stronger."
"The whole thing behind it is to counteract the Christian right and their so-called monopoly on religion," Engels said. "They have been able to get out there and convince people that the flag wraps better around them than it does us, and that is not true."

Excellent work by the GrassrootsDems up in S. Dakota. There are many of us out here that are politically progressive PRECISELY because of that now-commercialized question - what would Jesus do...

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